Product Review: The Wonderbag

When Cathrene told me that she had ordered a Wonderbag to try, I was so excited. Not just because it meant that I could try out our new pumpkin dish (Le Creuset - a once-in-a-lifetime investment!), but because it would give me the opportunity to try out a new recipe. I’ve loved to cook ever since I was young, I would help my mum by chopping vegetables and stirring the pot! Despite my love of cooking, I’ve never made a stew! My boyfriends Mums Beef stew and dumplings is by far my favourite meal, but I’ve never tried to make it myself. Cath is on a "energy saving" mission at the moment (mind you, given the energy price increases of late, we are both keen to curb our usage!), so this was something that she was really keen to try, having seen videos on TikToK and friends reviews on Facebook.


Product Review: The Little Fudge Box

On the 7th May, at the Artisan market at Abakhan Fabrics, Mostyn (Wales), Sarah and I were lucky enough to have a chat with The Little Fudge Box – an Artisan handmade fudge from North Wales. The Little Fudge Box team are very privileged to live up in the mountains of Wales surrounded by hills, moors, big skies, woodlands and lots of  farmers and growers producing high quality produce.

Not only are their fudges vegetarian, free from glucose, gluten and palm oil, but all their ingredients are local to production: the Whiskey used in some flavours is a from Welsh distillery, Penderyn, the honey is from just 2 miles down the valley from them and the pollen is from a beekeeper in Shropshire! This reduces the carbon footprint of their fudge immensely! All their packaging is recyclable, even the bag is compostable!


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Read more about the article My carbon footprint & why I can’t do nearly enough
Photo by Rawfilm on unsplash

My carbon footprint & why I can’t do nearly enough

The truth of it is that, for Joe Bloggs and I, aiming for zero waste is truly difficult – alone the fact that I have not managed to source all the items I need for MY everyday life without plastic is both frustrating and deeply saddening. Some issues arise due to my disability / health and others due to low/reduced income (2020 was difficult for most businesses thanks to COVID-19), and yet more because I ordered something which is eco / zero waste / compositable etc., but it turns out it has travelled the world in order to arrive at my doorstep. I am also not in a position to change some things at this time, e.g. gas usage due to cost and feasibility. Even without a car, without taking a bus, without buying products wrapped in plastic, I managed to STILL leave a significant footprint on this planet.
