Product Review: Ocean Saver – Cleaning detergents

I picked up some Oceansaver Anti Bac and a reusable spray bottle from Weigh of the World a few weeks ago, and it is sooooooo amazing and easy to use! So far I have only tried the Anti-Bac, with great results – others are to follow!

By using Oceansaver refill drops, the retailers will transport less water, which means fewer trucks on the road, helping to reduce carbon emissions. Also, because you are re-using your spray bottles, Oceansaver drops were developed to fight single-use plastic and preserve our oceans and sea life – A great range of home cleaning solutions made with plant-based ingredients, totally biodegradable, lab tested and proven efficacy.

Oceansaver is committed to finding affordable solutions without compromising on quality or effectiveness. They take an innovative approach to all their products and packaging, ensuring they use the latest in recyclable and biodegradable materials.

These are really easy to use too!



Keep the High Street Shops ALIVE… help them THRIVE!

In November 2019, Eco Store, Weigh of the World, in Northwich opened - THIS was a game changer for me! Local, and a brilliant concept! (you can read my blog post here). In addition to buying my fresh fruit & vegetables from John Griffiths' Green Grocers in Northwich, between the two of these shops, I found that I had 99% of what I needed! However, many small, independent shops, both in Northwich and elsewhere, are experiencing a massive decrease in sales, despite remaining open during the lockdown - people are doing their main shops in supermarkets. Before your supermarket shop, visit your local, small businesses first! Then only go to the supermarket if there is anything which you are unable to obtain! It is more important than ever that we support our local businesses - especially through this time of crisis! Furthermore, buying locally reduces food miles, helps alleviate our dependence on fossil fuels, reduce air pollution and cuts back on greenhouse gas emissions. With that in mind, I have collated a list of independent shops in NORTHWICH who are still open and operating, and what shopping options are available. Independent Northwich Shops Open/Online during Lockdown: Abda's Coffee Shop: Coffee and Tea can be ordered through their Facebook Page.Artisans Online: The Northwich Artisan Market is now online!Crafty Stitches: Online orders are being taken for delivery on FacebookFirthField Pet Stores: Open for business.Ginger & Browns: Pet Supplies at Blakemere - Open for online ordersJohn Griffiths' Greengrocers: 10 Witton St, Northwich -…


COVID-19: Staying Home, Staying Safe and keeping up with your Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Part 6

Keeping safe within your home

The Government guidelines on all aspects of reducing the spread of COVID-19 are clear. The symptoms to look out for, and guidance for managing them, are regularly updated on the NHS or WHO websites.

In addition to my previous posts about wearing a mask, creating different zones in your household, washing hands and using hand sanitiser, etc. in order to reduce the spread of this awful disease and protect your household, family, friends and the public, there is an overview of other things you can keep in mind (what myself and my carer do), for your convenience below.



Product Review: Koh

Whats all the hype about?

I became aware of Koh at the end of 2018, when I saw an advertisement, with the below video, on Facebook. I watched it – how could I not be interested?!

“The Koh Universal Cleaner replaces over 20 household products and brings a much needed calm to cleaning”


Product Review: Vegan Scourer Brush Ecococonut

When shopping on Peace With The Wild, I found some Vegan Sourer Brushes – Ecococonut.

100% plastic free, they came in a two pack of scourer brushes and are composed of sustainably sourced coconut husks with stainless steel wire. I was pleased to find a more eco-friendly and biodegradable alternative for washing up and cleaning ovens, and these are much more “scrubby” than the scourers I made from jute hessian and cotton.



Northwich Pop-Up Shop to Watch: Waste Away – Plastic Free Life

I first came across Waste Away at the Northwich Artisan Market some months ago – I was so excited! FINALLY a LOCAL company selling products which met my ideals and eco-ethos.

Currently trading online and at pop up markets around Cheshire, Waste Away provide ethical, plastic free alternatives to single use and unnecessary plastic. They provide a delivery service of household refills and other ethical products!



Brand Review: Method Cleaning Products

I have been using the method (part of ecover) range of cleaning products for some time now – actually inspired by my lovely cleaning lady, Karen! These are a great range of products, which do what they say on the tin.

These are a “starting point” for me – although there are many positive attributes to these products (see below), there is much room for improvement.there are numerous things which bother me, including the presence of Palm Oil in their products (despite reassurance that this is from sustainable sources). The number of bottles I have for various cleaning tasks, not only fills up my cupboards, but also creates a lot of plastic waste (although refill bottles can be purchased for some products).
