Keeping safe within your home
The Government guidelines on all aspects of reducing the spread of COVID-19 are clear. The symptoms to look out for, and guidance for managing them, are regularly updated on the NHS or WHO websites.
In addition to my previous posts about wearing a mask, creating different zones in your household, washing hands and using hand sanitiser, etc. in order to reduce the spread of this awful disease and protect your household, family, friends and the public, there is an overview of other things you can keep in mind (what myself and my carer do), for your convenience below.
When you have been shopping:
Upon exiting the shop:
- Remove mask and place in a bag for washing / quarantine (or to be disposed of if single use) when you get to your car.
- Use hand sanitiser on your hands.
- Clean off your purchased items with antibacterial liquid/spray/wipes before putting them in the car.
- Use antibacterials products on your door handles, steering wheel, clutch and any other regularly touched items in your car (radio etc) before use.
Upon arrival home:
- Place shopping on the floor in your quarantined area / kitchen, and immediately wash your hands thoroughly.
- Clean off your purchased items with a cloth and soapy water / antibac spray / wipes before putting them away.
- Wash hands again.
- Place shopping bag in the quarantine area for reuse after 72 hours
- Clean your keys.
- Go back to any door handles your touched on your way in and antibac them – even the outside front door handle or any gate.
- If you are living with a vunerable person, remove clothing, wash hands and put on fresh clothing.
It is worth noting, that if no-one in your immediate household has tested positive, or is in the “high risk” segment of the population, you don’t need to obsessively clean to remove germs (over and above your usual everyday cleaning).
DO check what your cleaning products contain: Studies show that disinfectant products containing at least 62–71% ethanol, 0.5% accelerated hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite can remove a virus within one minute. The manufacturers of Koh Universal Cleaner, for example, say: “Although Koh Universal Cleaner has proved effective against a common class of bacteria (campylobacter, salmonella and E. coli), it is not a sanitiser or disinfectant, which means it will not kill viruses such as COVID-19.”
At the end of the day, the more isolated we become in our own homes, the less chance we have of someone entering our home who has COVID-19.
For more guidance, please refer to this excellent blog-post: Cleaning in the time of coronavirus
Well, that’s all from me, for the time being, on the subject of COVID-19 tips! I hope that you have found the last days useful and informative! Please explore the rest of my blog whilst you are here!