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Keep the High Street Shops ALIVE… help them THRIVE!

In November 2019, Eco Store, Weigh of the World, in Northwich opened – THIS was a game changer for me! Local, and a brilliant concept! (you can read my blog post here). In addition to buying my fresh fruit & vegetables from John Griffiths’ Green Grocers in Northwich, between the two of these shops, I found that I had 99% of what I needed!

However, many small, independent shops, both in Northwich and elsewhere, are experiencing a massive decrease in sales, despite remaining open during the lockdown – people are doing their main shops in supermarkets.

Before your supermarket shop, visit your local, small businesses first! Then only go to the supermarket if there is anything which you are unable to obtain!

It is more important than ever that we support our local businesses – especially through this time of crisis! Furthermore, buying locally reduces food miles, helps alleviate our dependence on fossil fuels, reduce air pollution and cuts back on greenhouse gas emissions.

With that in mind, I have collated a list of independent shops in NORTHWICH who are still open and operating, and what shopping options are available.

Independent Northwich Shops Open/Online during Lockdown:

(Please feel free to email me if any small business is missing – I am writing this on the fly!)

To help promote local (Eco/Zero Waste) businesses, I will be running a competition during then next couple of weeks – a lot of local companies have contributed items and I am in the process of putting together the COVID-19 Survival Prize Basket! Watch this space!